Sacrament of Reconciliation
Reconciliation and forgiveness are at the heart of Eucharist and as such at the heart of the historical Jesus and the Christ of faith. They are woven in the life of the Church in all aspects and celebrated in a variety of ways including at the beginning of Eucharist and through the prescribed rites of the Church separate from Eucharist, RITE I, RITE II and RITE III. The Rite for the Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation involves a ritual meant to help us to live the reality concretely in our lives. Presbyters of the Church (priests) facilitate the celebration of the Sacrament on a one on one basis, when and where possible. Within the rites there is occasion to dispose ourselves authentically to the reality of our sin, our remorse or sorrow, and commitment to change and do better; without any of these very natural steps, reconciliation is not possible. The presbyter then offers words of comfort, penance to concretize the journey, and sacramental absolution to ritualize the effect of the gesture on God and the people of God, the Church. Lived authentically and reflecting the action outside of the rite, this Sacrament is indeed one of healing.
Although the sense of other, God, and the world is limited in young children, the Church invites the primary caregivers of children to introduce the gift of reconciliation early in the faith formation of families of young children. The parish commits to offer assistance in this role through a time of preparation for children and their families prior to the celebration of the Rite of Reconciliation as prescribed by the Church. This is sometimes called First Confession. The preparation program for this sacrament is offered to children in grades four and up and consists of home lessons and parish workshops. The program is offered in the fall of the year.
Sacrament of the Sick
The celebration of the sacrament of the Sick takes place as requested when one is ill and needing comfort. It is often confused with the last rites which are prayers and rituals when a person is near death. The Sacrament of the Sick may involve the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Communion and blessings but is essentially the anointing with the Oil of the Sick blessed by the Bishop of the Diocese during the annual Mass of Chrism. To access the celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick while in hospital or a nursing home it is advised to contact Pastoral Care personnel of the institution (Chaplains). These chaplains can facilitate the celebration of the sacrament. To access the celebration of the sacrament through the parish call the pastoral Centre at 862-2255. On occasion during the year communal celebrations are held with the celebration of the Sacrament included.